29. August 2023
Apprentice Department

Apprentice camp 2023

In Hergiswil am Napf, the apprentices of GIS AG experienced a varied apprentice camp, where the focus was on charitable projects and camaraderie.

This year's apprentice camp took the apprentices of GIS AG to the village of Hergiswil am Napf. The focus was on various charitable projects and, of course, the comradely exchange during the varied leisure programme.

The apprentices completed their tasks at the 3 locations with a lot of diligence and great commitment. For example, they did various painting jobs at the senior citizens' home and built more seating benches as well as a turtle house. At the schoolhouse, the large round bench was renewed and the rainwater channel was renovated. On the Chrüterhäxli Lilli Gwonderwäg (herb witch miracle path), a new path leads to the improved marble run, there are additional steps down and up into the Wigger creek and one of the playgrounds now has a crawling net as a highlight for the little visitors.

A total of 16 trainees in the professions of polymechanic, construction engineer and commercial clerk took part in the camp. The civil defence facility under the festival hall served as accommodation. Thanks to the great summer weather, lunch took place at the Blüomatte picnic area. The highlight of the camp was a relaxed barbecue evening at the home of a former apprentice and current GIS construction engineer. The winning team in taboo was not determined until late at night.

After the successful apprentice camp, the trainees are ready and motivated to go full throttle again in the new apprenticeship year.


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